“ bonito flake ” 42 Results

The combination of mushrooms, pickles, garlic and bacon really gets your appetite flowing.
Pasta, Takana pickles (or jalapenos), Mushrooms (such as eringi), Bacon rashers, Garlic, Olive oil, Soy sauce, Bonito flakes pack, Sesame oil & chilli oil
These aubergines cooked in a heavy pan like Le Creuset have a good deep flavour, ready to eat alongside your mains.
Aubergine (large), Oil, Garnishes (spring onion, ginger or bonito flakes)
Once you know the ratio of the ingredients, you can make this easily every time.
Water, Soy sauce, Mirin, Bonito flakes
A really inventive way of eating cauliflower!
Cauliflower (small), Okonomiyaki or takoyaki sauce, Grated parmigiano reggiano, Breadcrumbs, Extra virgin olive oil, Bonito flakes, Green laver
It goes well with mustard soy sauce or dashi soy sauce.
Cabbage, Potato, Leek, Prawns, Egg, Flour, Water, Salt, Vegetable oil, 【Sauce & toppings】, Tonkatsu sauce, mayonnaise, Bonito flakes, green laver, chopped spring onions
Very healthy and tastes lovely.
Mozzarella cheese, Spring onion, Crushed sesame seeds, Bonito flakes, Seasonings:, Light soy sauce, Sesame oil, Honey
This recipe uses the kombu and bonito flakes left over from making a traditional dashi broth. Let's not waste them.
Used kombu and bonito flakes, Spring onions, Soy sauce, Mirin, Water, Fried tofu (abura age)
Niban means second, so this is the next stage of making a dashi stock to get a greater depth of flavour.
Water (soft), Kombu (left from ichiban dashi), Bonito flakes (left from ichiban dashi), Bonito flakes
Build up your appetite ahead of the main course with this starter.
Tomatoes, Onion, Sugar, Mirin, Soy sauce, Sake, Vinegar, Vegetable oil, Bonito flakes
A delicious home made snack, easy to make.
Cooked rice, Soy sauce, Sesame oil, Sausages, Eggs, Lettuce leaves, Bonito flakes (Katsuo-bushi), Sauce:, Miso, Mirin, Spring onions
M Kushima
It's delicious even when cold, nice and crunchy.
Beansprouts, Firm tofu, Bonito flakes, Fish sauce (nam pla), Sake, Spring onions, Sesame oil, White sesame seeds, Sea salt
Rose Wine